This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

MoreDateTime Namespace

Contains all provider interfaces, the date and time range classes and minor helpers


DateOnlyRange Implements the IRange interface and provides a time range through its Start and End members
DateTimeOffsetExtensions The date time offset extensions.
DateTimeProvider A date and time provider, that can be used to simulate a certain date or time
When no mock date/time is set, it returns the datetime values from the system, otherwise the set value. The mock values does not change or reflect time passing.
DateTimeRange Implements the IRange interface and provides a time range through its Start and End members
DateTimeValue The date time value class, which can be a string or an integer, with flags.
DateTimeValueTestExtensions The date time value unit test extensions for Shouldly
DefaultHolidayProvider The default holiday provider, has only 4 common holidays, 01 Jan, 01 May, 25 Dec and 26 Dec
ExtendedDateTime The extended date time according to ISO 8601-2:2019 ExtendedDateTimeFormat Profile
ExtendedDateTimeCalculator The extended date time calculator.
ExtendedDateTimeCollection The extended date time collection.
ExtendedDateTimeComparer The extended date time comparer.
ExtendedDateTimeFormatParser The extended date time format parser.
ExtendedDateTimeInterval The extended date time interval.
ExtendedDateTimePossibilityCollection The extended date time possibility collection.
ExtendedDateTimeRange The extended date time range.
NullHolidayProvider The null holiday provider, provides no holidays at all
TimeOnlyRange Implements the IRange interface and provides a time range through its Start and End members
UnspecifiedExtendedDateTime The unspecified extended date time.


ExtendedTimeSpan An timespan class adapted for the ExtendedDateTime class


DateTimeValueValueFlags The value flags, specifying whether the day is approximate, uncertain, unspecified, unknown, or exact. it also can be a mix of most flags, and be Long to indicate its a value above the normal range (used for years).
DayExceedsDaysInMonthStrategy Strategy for excess days in a month
ExtendedDateTimePrecision The extended date time precision, specifies the precision of the date time object, the higher the precision the more accurate the date time object is.
For example: a precision of Day means there are no time components, a precision of Hour means there are no minutes or seconds, etc.
Season The season.