This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

DateOnlyExtensions Class

The extension methods for working with DateOnly objects.


Namespace: MoreDateTime.Extensions
Assembly: MoreDateTime (in MoreDateTime.dll) Version: 1.3.0
public static class DateOnlyExtensions
Object    DateOnlyExtensions


Add Adds a timespan to a DateOnly object. If the timespan is less than a whole day, the same value is returned
AddHours Adds hours to a DateOnly object. If the value is less than 24 hours (a whole day), the same Date is returned
AddMilliseconds Adds minutes to a DateOnly object. If the values is less than a 86_400_000 seconds (a whole day), the same value is returned
AddMinutes Adds minutes to a DateOnly object. If the values is less than a 1440 minutes (a whole day), the same value is returned
AddSeconds Adds minutes to a DateOnly object. If the values is less than a 86_400 seconds (a whole day), the same value is returned
AddTicks Adds a number of ticks to a DateOnly object. If the number of ticks is less than a whole day, the same value is returned
AddWeeks Adds weeks to a DateOnly object
Difference Calculates the difference of two DateOnlyRanges. If the two ranges do not overlap, the result is the first DateOnlyRange. Otherwise, the result is the first DateOnlyRange without where both ranges overlap.
Distance Returns the distance as a TimeSpan between two DateOnly objects. The result is always positive
DoesOverlap Verifies if DateOnlyRange a overlapps with DateOnlyRange b.
EndOfMonth Returns a DateTime object representing the last day of the current month
EndOfWeek Returns a DateTime object representing the last day of the current Week
EnumerateDaysUntil Enumerates all days startDate current DateOnly value endDate the end DateOnly, including the end date
EnumerateHolidaysUntil Enumerates all holidays startDate current DateOnly value endDate the end DateOnly, including the end date
EnumerateInStepsUntil(DateOnly, DateOnly, TimeSpan) Enumerates starting with the startDate date, until the endDate date in steps of distance
When the distance is negative, the start date must be greater than the end date, and the enumeration goes backwards
EnumerateInStepsUntil(DateOnly, DateOnly, TimeSpan, FuncDateOnly, Boolean) Enumerates starting with startDate until endDate in steps of distance
EnumerateMonthsUntil Enumerates all months startDate current DateOnly value endDate the end DateOnly, including the end date
EnumerateWeekendsUntil Advances to the closest weekend and enumerates the weekends until the end date. The weekend date is always a saturday when going forward and a sunday when going backwards.
EnumerateWorkdaysUntil Enumerates all working days startDate current DateOnly value endDate the end DateOnly, including the end date
EnumerateYearsUntil Enumerates all years startDate current DateOnly value endDate the end DateOnly, including the end date
FirstFridayOfMonth Returns the first Friday of the month
FirstMondayOfMonth Returns the first Monday of the month
FirstSaturdayOfMonth Returns the first Saturday of the month
FirstSundayOfMonth Returns the first Sunday of the month
FirstThursdayOfMonth Returns the first Thursday of the month
FirstTuesdayOfMonth Returns the first MoTuesday of the month
FirstWednesdayOfMonth Returns the first Wednesday of the month
FirstWeekdayOfMonth Returns the first given weekday in the month
Intersection Calculates the intersection of two DateOnlyRanges. If the two ranges do not overlap, the result is an empty DateOnlyRange. Otherwise, the result is the DateOnlyRange that where both ranges overlap.
IsBetween Checks if the given value is between the given startDate and endDate values, excluding the start and end value
IsEqual Compares two dates for equality down to the given precision
IsEqualDownToDay Compares two dates for equality down to the year (hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds are ignored)
IsEqualDownToMonth Compares two dates for equality down to the year (days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds are ignored)
IsEqualDownToWeek Compares two dates for equality down to the week (hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds are ignored)
IsEqualDownToYear Compares two dates for equality down to the year (months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds are ignored)
IsPublicHoliday Checks if the given date falls on a Saturday or Sunday
IsSameDay(DateOnly, DateOnly) Verifies if the two dates are the same day of the month
IsSameDay(DateOnly, DateTime) Verifies if the two dates are the same day of the month
IsSameMonth(DateOnly, DateOnly) Verifies if the two dates are the same month
IsSameMonth(DateOnly, DateTime) Verifies if the two dates are the same month
IsSameWeek(DateOnly, DateOnly, CultureInfo) Verifies if the two dates are the same week
IsSameWeek(DateOnly, DateTime, CultureInfo) Verifies if the two dates are the same week
IsSameWeekday(DateOnly, DateOnly) Verifies if the two dates are the same weekday
IsSameWeekday(DateOnly, DateTime) Verifies if the two dates are the same weekday
IsSameYear(DateOnly, DateOnly) Verifies if the two dates are the same year
IsSameYear(DateOnly, DateTime) Verifies if the two dates are the same year
IsWeekend Checks if the given date falls on a Saturday or Sunday
IsWithin(DateOnly, DateOnlyRange) Checks if the given value is between the given start and end values, including start date and end date
IsWithin(DateOnly, DateOnly, DateOnly) Checks if the given value is within the given startDate and endDate values, including startDate and endDate
IsWithin(DateOnly, DateTime, DateTime) Checks if the given value is within the given startDate and endDate values, including startDate and endDate
LastFridayOfMonth Returns the last Friday of the month
LastMondayOfMonth Returns the last Monday of the month
LastSaturdayOfMonth Returns the last Saturday of the month
LastSundayOfMonth Returns the last Sunday of the month
LastThursdayOfMonth Returns the last Thursday of the month
LastTuesdayOfMonth Returns the last Tuesday of the month
LastWednesdayOfMonth Returns the last Wednesday of the month
LastWeekdayOfMonth Returns the last given weekday of the month
NextDay Gets the DateOnly value of the next day
NextHoliday Gets the DateOnly value of the next holiday
Holidays are calculated through the IHolidayProvider interface in DateTimeExtensions.
NextMonth Gets the DateOnly value of the next month, first day
NextWeek Gets the DateOnly value of the same day in the next week
NextWeekend Gets the DateOnly value of the next weekend following this date. If the given date is already a weekend, the next weekend is returned.
NextWorkday Gets the DateOnly value of the same day in the next week
NextYear Gets the DateOnly value of the next year, first month, first day
NumberOfDaysUntil Count the number of Days between startDate and endDate
NumberOfDecadesUntil Count the number of Decades between startDate and endDate
NumberOfHolidaysUntil Count the number of Holidays between startDate and endDate
NumberOfHoursUntil Count the number of Hours between startDate and endDate
NumberOfMillisecondsUntil Count the number of Milliseconds between startDate and endDate
NumberOfMinutesUntil Count the number of Minutes between startDate and endDate
NumberOfMonthsUntil Count the number of Months between startDate and endDate
NumberOfSecondsUntil Count the number of Seconds between startDate and endDate
NumberOfSemestersUntil Count the number of Semesters between startDate and endDate
NumberOfTrimestersUntil Count the number of Trimesters between startDate and endDate
NumberOfWeekendsUntil Count the number of Weekends between startDate and endDate
NumberOfWeeksUntil Count the number of Weeks between startDate and endDate
NumberOfWorkdaysUntil Count the number of Workdays between startDate and endDate
NumberOfYearsUntil Count the number of years between startDate and endDate
PreviousDay Gets the DateOnly value of the day before
PreviousHoliday Gets the DateOnly value of the previous holiday
If you have a license for the Nager nuget package, this method will calculate the holidays based on the calendar in cultureInfo, otherwise it will simply skip weekends.
PreviousMonth Gets the DateOnly value of the month before
PreviousWeek Gets the DateOnly value of the week before
PreviousWeekend Gets the DateOnly value of the weekend before this date. If the given date is already a weekend, the previous weekend is returned.
PreviousWorkday Gets the DateOnly value of the previous working day
PreviousYear Gets the DateOnly value of the next year, first month, first day, time members are all zeroed (00:00:00)
Split(DateOnlyRange, Int32) Splits the given range of DateOnly into the given number of parts.
Split(DateOnly, DateOnly, Int32) Splits the given range of DateOnly into the given number of parts.
Split(DateOnly, TimeSpan, Int32) Splits the given range of DateOnly into the given number of parts.
StartOfMonth Returns a DateTime object representing the first day of the current month
StartOfWeek Returns a DateTime object representing the first weekday of the given Week
Sub Returns a new DateOnly that subtracts the value of the specified TimeSpan from the value of this instance
ToDateOnly Returns the DateTime as DateOnly
ToDateTime Returns a DateTime object with the time component set to 0 (00:00:00)
ToSqlString Converts a DateTime value to an SQL appropriate format (yyyy-MM-dd), independent of the current locale
ToTimeOnly Returns the DateTime as TimeOnly, stripping the date component
TruncateTo Truncates the precision of a DateTime object to the given precision
TruncateToMonth Truncates the precision of a DateOnly object to the month, day 1
TruncateToWeek Truncates the precision of a DateOnly object to the week of the object, day is first day of week
TruncateToYear Truncates the precision of a DateOnly object to the year, day 1, month 1
Union Calculates the union of two DateOnlyRanges. If the two ranges do not overlap, the result is an empty DateOnlyRange. Otherwise, the result is the DateOnlyRange that contains both ranges.
Weeknumber Tests if the time in the given DateTime object is midday (12:00:00.000)
WeekOfYear Returns the Week of the Year of this DateOnly object


DaysInWeek You'd never guess it, its the number of days in a week

See Also